Monday, January 23, 2012

Crayon Art

I found a couple websites on how to do this and decided to try it as well. I forget to take photos while I was doing it so I only have the finished products but here's a link to one of the websites This is exactly how I did mine even with the same hair dryer. I made two different ones, so here is how I did it.
 On my first try I didn't realize it needed to be the same brand so I used different types. Some brands melt faster than others, so some weren't melted at all while other crayons were completely melted. I decided to cover up the crayons with blue and gray clouds out of paper because they didn't look good. I also found a picture of melted crayon art except they only used blue and gray crayons to make it look like rain and had a boy and girl standing under the " rain". I loved that idea, but wanted to change it a little so I found a picture of a young girl under an umbrella, printed it off, and traced it onto the blank canvas. Then I covered it up using yellow masking tape and made sure to make it seem like the umbrella was covering the girl so the rain wouldn't hit her.

Here's the link to that picture Then I glued and melted the crayons. After I pulled the masking tape off ( don't worry it came off really easily) I painted the girl black so it was a silhouette except I painted her umbrella and rain boots hot pink so they stood out. Now I loved doing that one so much that I wanted to make another, but I didn't do the rain instead I made a rainbow. Before I did that I first painted my canvas black then put a quote from one my favorite songs " So don't be afraid to let them show, your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow". I wrote that in a silver sharpie and then covered it up with the masking tape.

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